Trinity News
Dates to Note:
Feb. 23, 2025 Annual Congregational Meeting following the worship service.
We accept donations for the food bank at any time. There is a box under the table in the narthex where they can be dropped off. They are then delivered to the food bank.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Outdoor maintenance: Please leave a message on the church's answering machine if you are able to take your turn with seasonal duties and general outdoor tidying.
Coffee Hour hosts - See sign up sheet
Flowers for the Altar - Please contact the office if you wish to donate flowers.
Visiting Ministry - We believe that people should not be lonely. If you believe the same thing, we would like to welcome you to our visiting ministry. Please call the church. We would love to talk to you about this opportunity.
We support the work of Canadian Lutheran World Relief around the world and during crises extra support is needed. Speak to Debbie in the office about how you can contribute or go to the CLWR webpage for more information.
Local Outreach Options for donations are also encouraged. Please use the information below to learn more.
Sudbury Food Bank: 705-671-9663
SOS Street Outreach Sudbury:
Samaritan Centre: 705-669-0111
Inner City Home of Sudbury: 705-675-7550
Better Begininngs Better Futures: 705-671-1941 ext 236
PAR (Pre-Authroized Remittance) is a great way to ensure your ongoing support for the ministries of Trinity, even when you are not able to worship with us. Contact the office to register.
Use of Facilities: Trinity Council has approved a new document with guidelines for the use of our well-maintained, accessible facilities. Groups are welcome to check out the document at the link below. Go to the tab marked Other for more information. Or call the church office at 705-674-4834.
This form is here. Call the church if you would like to use the facility and talk to Debbie.
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Third Sunday of Advent Part 1 Part 2